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R11 Slip Rating Tiles

R11 slip rating tiles including a collection of wood effect floor tiles to large modern designs, perfect for making floors prone to wetness that bit safer. Contact the team for more information.

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R11 Slip Rating Tiles

As with R12, rated tiles, floor tiles in the R11 anti-slip tile ratings category are considered to be secure for both dry and wet environments. This makes them perfect for use in home environments varying from damper areas such as bathrooms and kitchens, to hallways and even living rooms.

If you are installing office floors, you should also consider having R11 tiles. This is because they are both hard-wearing, saving you money on floor replacements, and sturdy, saving you money on any minor injury claims.

DOs: Make the most of the textured anti-slip finish and create beautiful (and safe!) outdoor areas throughout your patio and garden.

DON’Ts: Don’t go below R11 if you are tiling wet rooms, as they might be unsafe to walk on barefoot in the presence of water and soap.